An h1 tag is used for titles and important subtitles. There are 6 versions of the h tag. They are h1-h6

This is a paragraph tag. It is used for writing sentences and paragraphs. Paragraph tags automatically insert a linebreak every time they are used.

This is a span tag. It is also used for writing sentences and paragraphs. However span tags do not insert a linebreak everytime they are used.
This is a pre tag. It is used to display pre-formatted text. Pre tags will keep the font family of the source of the text.
An "a" tag is a link to a different web page.
  • First Thing
  • Second Thing
  • Third Thing
  • Div tags are used as dividers. You use them to seperate page/document sections.

    This is a marquee tag. It is used to make text move across the screen forever.

    This is a center tag. It is used to center content on the webpage.